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Day Trips & Tours from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo

We, Memnon Reisen, are your English speaking provider of excursion services from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo. We will organize your trip to the pyramids without a coffee trip and with a very high level of service.

How far is Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo?
The distance between Sahl Hasheesh and Cairo is about 460 km.

By private car from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo 4-5 hours (travel time).
Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo by plane: 50 minutes (flight time).

What do you see in Cairo when booking a day trip from Sahl Hasheesh?

The sights of Cairo are countless, but when traveling from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo by bus or minivan, you will visit the most important sights of Cairo, such as the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the temples of the valley and the Egyptian Museum. If you booked a 2-day excursion from Dal Hasheesh to Cairo, you would know a lot more about Cairo, then you can visit the Step Pyramid at Sakkara, Nika’s Pyramid at Dahshur, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo.

We have collected for you the most popular day trips and tours from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo and Giza.

How much does the trip from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo and the Pyramids cost?

Prices for excursions from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo vary depending on the program and transport.

Trip namePrice (per person)
Excursion from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo by busfrom 79€
Excursion from Sahl Hasheesh to the pyramids (Giza, Saqqara & Dahshur) privatefrom 101€
Day tour from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo in a small groupfrom 88€
Day trip from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo to the pyramids by private carfrom 126€
Excursion to the pyramids by plane from Sahl Hasheeshfrom 199€
Two days tour to Giza & Cairo - private excursionfrom 187€

Here is our offer for the day trips from Sahl Hasheesh to Cairo

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