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Day trips from Soma Bay to Cairo & Pyramids

We organize Day trips from Soma Bay to Cairo & Pyramids with the BEST service at reasonable prices. We are planning a day trip from Soma Bay to Cairo individually or in small groups, by car or by plane.

How far is Soma Bay from the pyramids?
The distance from Soma Bay to Cairo is 465 km. and it will take about 5 hours by car and about 1 hour by flight.

What do you see in Cairo besides the pyramids?
During the excursion from Soma Bay to Cairo, you will visit the pyramids of Giza and you will also have the opportunity to visit many of the landmarks of Cairo, such as the Egyptian Museum, the Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Old Cairo, the Alabaster Mosque, the Hanging Church, the step pyramid of Sakkara, the fracture pyramid in Dahshur and Memphis.

What to take with you on your trip to the pyramids from Soma Bay?

Here we have selected the BEST AND most popular tours from Soma Bay to Cairo.

One day tour from Soma Bay to Cairo. On an excursion from Soma Bay to Cairo, you will visit the pyramids, the Sphinx, the Valley Temple, the Egyptian Museum, and the old city of Cairo.

Day trip from Soma Bay to Cairo by plane. On an excursion from Soma Bay to Cairo by plane, you will visit the pyramids, the Sphinx, the temples of the valley, the Egyptian Museum, the Alabaster Mosque and the old city of Cairo.

Excursion to the pyramids from Soma Bay is an exclusive offer from Soma Bay to the pyramids of Giza, Sakkara and Dahshur.

Ausflug von Soma Bay nach Kairo a la Carte. Sie bestimmen was Sie in Kairo besichtigen möchten. Private Limousine  oder Mini Bus & Ägyptologe sind zur Verfügung und Sie planen Ihren Kairo Ausflug von Soma Bay.

Two-day excursion from Soma Bay to Cairo. On a 2-day excursion from Soma Bay to Cairo and Giza, you will have an extensive program. You will visit Coptic Cairo and Islamic Cairo, The Hanging Church and Alabaster Mosque, El Moez and Khan El Khalili Street, the Pyramids of Giza, and you will have the opportunity to travel to Sakkara to see the step pyramid and the tombs of Sakkara.

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