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From Soma Bay to Luxor

In terms of culture, a day trip from Soma Bay to Luxor is a must. Explore ancient sites on a day trip from Soma Bay to Luxor with us.

How far is it from Soma Bay to Luxor?

235 km is the distance between Soma Bay Luxor.

The distance between Soma Bay and Luxor is not great, so we advise guests of the Soma Bay resort to take a day trip to Luxor to explore the Egypt of the pharaohs and learn a lot about the real country.

Luxor was the capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom during the time of the pharaohs, and it was from Luxor that the world ruled for a while.

Best day trips from Soma Bay to Luxor:

Highlights you can visit by booking your excursion from Soma Bay to Luxor.

The most popular excursion to Luxor from Soma Bay is a private car or small group tour and on this tour you will visit the Temple of Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Hatshepsuit and the Colossi of Memnon.

Check out the different offers and prices for excursions from Soma Bay direct to Luxor and the Valley of the Kings.

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