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Day trips from Hurghada to Cairo

We offer high quality Day trips from Hurghada to Cairo with high quality standards. Experience unforgettable moments on a Day trips from Hurghada to Cairo and Giza.

How far is Hurghada from Cairo?
The distance between Hurghada and Cairo is 430 km. and takes about 4 hours by car and 50 minutes by plane.

Excursion tips for the Cairo excursion from Hurghada

During the Day trips from Hurghada to Cairo by car or plane, in small groups, you will visit many of Cairo’s attractions, but a two-day excursion will allow you to get to know Cairo much more.

Sights & Landmarks in Cairo

How much does an excursion from Hurghada to the pyramids of Cairo and Giza cost?
We organize various tours and excursions from Hurghada to Cairo, and the price of the excursion depends on the program.

Trip namePrice (per person)
Excursion from Hurghada to Cairo by busfrom 77€
Excursion from Hurghada to Cairo by private carfrom 126€
Day tour to the pyramids of Saqqara, Giza & Dahshur from Hurghadafrom 126€
Day trip from Hurghada to Cairo in a small groupfrom 84€
Two day trip from Hurghada to Cairo privatefrom 157€
Excursion to Cairo a la carte (guide + car) from Hurghadafrom 74€
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